Lots of activity on the mountain as good weather is holding! It looks like they will have a storm front moving in, but significant storms are not expected. If the weather is good, and the team is feeling good, they will continue to push forward! **Late update on 5/27–Looks like they will take a rest day tomorrow* Continue reading “Cache and Carry!”
Camp 3! That Didn’t Take Long!
Wow. I take one day away from writing and a LOT happens! (sorry to all my fans, I am in Mendocino with very limited cell services!)
On the 24th, we did not hear from PB+J until late in the day…. And when we heard from them, it was from their new Gear Cache around 13,300 feet! So much for a rest day. Continue reading “Camp 3! That Didn’t Take Long!”
Cache Retrieved, Likely a Rest Day
Yesterday the team once again woke up to cold temps– this time 0°F. Brrrrr. They went back to their cache they had buried at 10,000 feet and hauled it back to Camp 2.
After getting the cache to camp, they fortified the walls around their tent. Whenever they set up camp, they have to build snow walls around the whole tent, as high as the tent, to protect it from the high mountain winds.
I got a message from Jay before bed saying it was dumping snow. The forecasts I saw said today was higher in snow and wind before the weather calms down for a few days, so it might be a rest day for them today. I have not gotten any messages yet, so we will have to wait and see!
Camp 2, Woot Woot!!
Despite a delayed flight that first day in Alaska, PB+J has managed to stay 100% on track for their climb. Continue reading “Camp 2, Woot Woot!!”
Gear Cached at 10k Feet– Wow!
So Far, So Good!
Yesterday, PB+J started what is known as a “double carry”. This is where they carried a bunch of their gear (about 200lbs according to the InReach Garmin message) and cached it at 10,000 feet before going back to camp. Continue reading “Gear Cached at 10k Feet– Wow!”
Camp 1- Arrived!
After landing on the glacier at BaseCamp (7,200) around 1:00pm, a few things had to be done. They cached some drinks (remember that fireball and margaritas?), some food, and some fuel. This is because when the return they may need to wait a day or two (or more if a big storm rolls through) and they don’t want to carry the weight of things they wont be using. Continue reading “Camp 1- Arrived!”
Up, Up, and Away!
Beth again!
Friday was a hard day (well for me saying goodbye to Jay).
Despite a late night pizza and packing party, everyone was up early. Jason and Brent made some nose guards (to protect their noses from sunburn). Everyone sent out final emails and instructions for work.
The guys were antsy and ready to get going, so we left with time to spare. Continue reading “Up, Up, and Away!”
Denali Food Prep: Whats For Dinner??
Hey! Beth here!
We have been working on food prep for the expedition, and as camp food prep is something I am good at, I have been helping out. We are aiming for around 3,500 calories per person, per day. Continue reading “Denali Food Prep: Whats For Dinner??”