Denali Days 8-10: 14k Back Carry + Some Sick Days

After a rest day Friday, the guys did a “back carry” on Saturday. This means they hiked down to their last cache, which was at 13,500ft, and carried it back to camp at 14,200 feet. They did this quick!

Unfortunately, they both came down with a minor cold. Brent got it first and has since recovered, but now Jason has the head cold. Because it could be dangerous (and difficult) to ascend with a head cold, they took Sunday and Monday as rest/recovery days in hopes that Jason can beat it! If he’s feeling better, they will cache up over the headwall tomorrow. Brent, being the awesome climbing partner he is, even shared some of his precious cookies with Jay, so if you see Brent, buy him a drink from me as thanks!

Everyone send good vibes that Jason is feeling better soon. Being sick sucks, but being sick in a tent with below zero temps probably brings that to another level of suckiness.

Weather is looking decent for the next few days. The successful summit percent is at 37% and as of Friday there were 533 climbers on the mountain.

2018 photo of the medications Jason had on the mountain with him last time.
2018 photo of the thermometer showing how cold it gets at camp.

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