Beth again!
Friday was a hard day (well for me saying goodbye to Jay).
Despite a late night pizza and packing party, everyone was up early. Jason and Brent made some nose guards (to protect their noses from sunburn). Everyone sent out final emails and instructions for work.
The guys were antsy and ready to get going, so we left with time to spare. We made a quick detour to REI and a stop at Panera for some lunch (because salad would not be a thing for them for the next few weeks). We got to Sacramento International Airport, and I dropped Jay off with his bags, plus one bag from each Patrick and Brent. I parked in the daily lot before meeting Jay back at the terminal, while Patrick and Brent went off to a long term parking lot.
While we waited for Patrick and Brent, Jay got his bags checked and and also got tags for the rest of the bags. Patrick and Brent quickly got their bags checked, and then it was time for me to say goodbye. The excitement level was high as they headed off to security lines and their plane. A quick layover in Seattle (just enough time to grab some food for the next leg) and they were off to Alaska!!
Saturday morning, they were up early for transportation to Sheldon Air and to the ranger station. On the way a quick stop at Fred Myers Grocery Store was made for essentials (booze and butter).
Arrival into Talkeetna was smooth, where they checked into Sheldon Air before heading over to the ranger station for Orientation. The orientation is where they sit with a ranger to discuss their plans, skills, etc to make sure they seem prepared for the journey (they were!).
Arriving back to Sheldon Air, they had the not so good new: weather was looking grim and they might not fly out today. With nothing else to do, they headed to the brewery where they enjoyed a large, fresh meal. They were able to crash at the airport lobby, with hopes of flying out the next morning.
I was up early Sunday, and so were they. Upon waking news was good– it looked like today was a GO! A quick sprint to a local diner for one last real breakfast, and I got the final call from Jay:
10 minutes before take-off, they were loaded up, ready to go, and excited!
Good luck up there Patrick, Brent, and Jason!!!!